Friday, November 28, 2008

Breaking-Out My Comfort Zone

Living in comfort zone.
Have you ever experience it ?

I had ...
Almost three times from my entire working lifetime

Pertama , ketika kerja di SFER (oil and gas)
Kedua , ketika 'ngamen' di IBM
Kok cuma dua ?
Karena untuk yang ketiga, gue berhasil melawan keinginan gue untuk stay di comfort zone.

Jumat kemaren sore hari , ketika urusan kantor sudah nggak ada di otak sama sekali, line manager gue memberikan assignment yang buat gue personally mengejutkan. Mengejutkan , pertama : karena gue merasa nggak akan bisa lepas dari lingkaran delivery customer yang saat ini gue tangani , Kedua : karena gue mesti on board pada new assignment Senin besok.
YA sodara2 ... SENIN BESOK !!!!

Reaksi pertama ketika mendengar assignment tsb dalam hati menjerit .... WHYYYY ?!?!? ....

Rada kaget karena gue merasa :
1. I was doing fine on my current delivery with current customer.
2. Relationship dengan current customer udah lumayan. Gak sopisticated tapi cukuplah utk hidup sehari2 ... I mean, i consider myself to become proportionally acceptable in the eye of my current customer.
3. Di project berikutnya dengan curent customer gue report ke seorang teman yang buat gue reliable and one of the best (means hidup gue gak bakalan sengsara2 amat).
4. Di project berikutnya bakalan ada bbrp PM terlibat, thus i wont be alone

Tapi stl dipikir2 :
1. Bukannya salah satu aim gue adalah menjadi CFR ?
2. Bukannya ini kesempatan utk membuktikan bahwa gue ready utk lead the team by my own at totally different customer ? That good relationship with customer is not the only aspect for me to perform ? Its only one of the aspect.
3. Bukannya dari dulu pengen pegang project yang lebih ke "configuration oriented" rather than roll out oriented ?
Actually IT WAS one of the reason why i was experiencing blind loyalty with IBM. There the type of project are more to consulting.

So I THINK and FEEL this is the time ...
ready nggak ready ...
I am ready :)