Berawal sekitar bulan April (lupa tepatnya bulan apa), ketika sedang super stress dengan kerjaan ... akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk "memenangkan diri sendiri" (dan bukan perusahaan) dengan ikut2an berburu tiket murah Air Asia ... plus selang bbrp minggu kemudian voucher bersahabat dari accor hotel.
Rasanya dengan browsing sana sini dan membayangkan jalan2 ke sana ke mari, hidup lebih ringan ... hahahaha .... Ditambah traveling was not part of my family culture. Jadi ini termasuk belajar menikmati hidup juga setelah kerja keras melulu .... plus Ake juga sedang libur kan ? ntar dia jamuran di rumah wakakakaka .....
Setelah dapet blessing dari Komandan Pleton (pipung) sekaligus juggling dengan jatah cuti beliau yang mepet banget (well, we have to think about lebaran too. sementara jatah cuti gue lumayan lega karena ada additional days hasil kerja malem) maka final itenary-nya adalah :
18062010 JKT - SIN (numpang tidur doang karena pipung cuti setengah hari dan kita dapet pswt jam 1830)
19062010 SIN (visiting Universal Studio Singapore)
20062010 SIN - KL (dapet psw pagi jam 0900 singapore time. lanjut ke KLCC petrosains)
21062010 KL (visiting genting highland lanjut ke IKEA damansara)
22062010 KL - JKT (visiting KLCC Aquaria)
Berhubung gak pernah piknik (gue kan travel dalam rangka kantor mulu) , banyak juga lesson learn-nya loooo ...
LL-1 : jumat sore, bertolaklah kita ke bandara SOETA langsung dengan PeDe nya ke Terminal 3 ... Ternyataaaaaa .... AirAsia international flight itu tetep berlokasi di Terminal 2. Hanya AirAsia local flight yang departing dari Terminal 3. Jadi kita rada pontang-panting juga tuh ke Terminal 2 , untuuungggg (dasar jawa) udah web check in. Jadi tinggal masukin bagasi saja. Landing tetap di Changi Airport, padahal gue sudah menetapkan hati untuk gak kecewa jika kita landing di Low Budget Terminal.
LL-2 : Check in sekitar jam 2230 di Grand Mercure Roxy Hotel. Lokasi di area Marine Parade. Berhubung nggak ada kebutuhan untuk jalan2 ke Orchard (padahal lagi Singapore Great Sale, dmana saya juga gak ada niatan buat belanja) , so this hotel considered as perfect in term of location for our visit. Sempet sih ada tragedi siap2 ngotot , ketika sang receptionist berkata "there is no room with King Bed". Untungnya walaupun double bed, diupgrade kamarnya, dikasih extra bed dan view ke arah laut (gak keleatan juga ketutupan gedung si lautnya) for free ... In this type of hotel , you have to ask for electrical universal power cord. Kayanya banyak kasus si colokan ditilep sama tamu, jadi hanya disediakan upon request dan harus dibalikin pas check out.
LL-3 : dari hotel ke Sentosa, diputuskan untuk naik taksi saja. pertama menghemat energi dan ngejer waktu. Secara kita juga cuma sehari di Singapore, khusus untuk visiting USS. Kita di drop di lower level nya Resort World. A very short walk to USS.
LL-4 : Untunnggggg (lagi2 si jawa beraksi), gue udah beli tiket USS via internet jauh2 hari. setiba kita di sana ticket counter nya tutup semua dengan tulisan "TICKET FOR TODAY IS SOLD OUT" .... wadawwww ....
LL-5 : If you are traveling with bellow 8yo kid, especially if your kid a bit allergic to the heat, alias anti panas kaya anak gue .... i shall suggest you to come to the park arround 1500 instead of starting it on 1000. Bukan apa2 bowww, permainan dan show yang bisa dinikmati juga gak begitu banyak (kebanyakan buat teenager up. character nya yang dikenal bellow 8yo kid juga cuma Madagascar dan Shrek) , jadi yang dinikmati adalah suasananya. Sementara suasana itu berasa ok ketika udah rada2 teduh .... ada bonek2 dan orang2 berkostum utk diajak foto, ada outdoor singing and dancing performance, udara udah lebih sejuk ... dan by 1830 lampu2 udah mulai nyala .... nice nice nice :) , anyway ... USS juga menyediakan stroller kok .... suggestion hanya cocok untuk anak diatas 1 tahun yang udah bisa duduk sendiri dengan properly. Kalo dibawah 1 tahun, mendingan bawa stroller sendiri ya ... :)
Setelah berpanas2 ria di USS, langsung lah kita ke East Coast Seafood center .... tempatnya rameee okeeee ..... dan dari sekian banyak resto , gue pilih JUMBO. Menu andalannya adalah Chilli sauce crab. Sepertinya terinspirasi (atau menginspirasi kepiting saus padang) .... jelas nggak sepedas kepiting saus padang, but yummyy ... Ake enjoy Shrimp with Cereal .... mungkin terinsipirasi dengan ayam kremes. Cuma ini bener2 pake cereal, so dijamin sehat ... hahahahaha ....
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Singapore = Universal Studio Saja ...
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7:53 PM
Saturday, February 27, 2010
a trip to ANCOL : a Gratitude for my TROOPS
if you asked me, how i can manage the routine happen in my family while i am selling some of my time to the company ? ... the answer is 'having a good TROOPS" ...
To show my appreciation and gratitude for them, i arranged a trip to ANCOL yesterday ... just to make them happy and of course to make my daughter happy ...
There we were on Friday 26/02/2010 , ketika libur (sambil harap2 cemas Ancol gak crowded) berangkat pagi2 sekitar 0800hr menuju Ancol.
Formasinya :
Me (driver) Surti - my driver' wife (co pilot merangkap bendahara) di kursi depan ...
lalu Ake , Anto (my driver' son) dan Narti (dedicated utk ngurus Ake) di kursi tengah ....
Jum (dedicated utk ngurus rumah) di kursi belakang bersama peralatan piknik.
Pipung nggak ikutan. Memang dari awal rencananya nggak ikut karena ada tugas di Balikpapan, yang pada kenyataannya pada hari tersebut , pipung mesti istirahat total karena kena CACAR AIR.
Sang supir menggunakan Rute WISATA , jadi gue ambil jalur Bintaro-InnerRingRoad-Sudirman-GatotSoebroto-TOLL ke ancol. Se-simple , gue pengen nunjukin Senayan dan gedung MPR kepada para Pasukan. Biar afdol gitu buat mereka , masa kerja di Jakarta belom pernah liat gedung MPR dan Senayan yang suka masuk TV ituuuu ...
Sekitar 0900hr kita telah tiba di Ancol. Sekali lagi sang supir mengambil rute wisata di dalam ancol (sambil mikir2 mau piknik di mana ntar siang) dan akhirnya parkir dulu di kawasan danau Ancol. Setelah puas bermain pasir dan ayunan (ake gak mau naik boat sih ... padahal cuma 60rb satu boat yang muat 6 dewasa 2 anak2) ... kt bertolak ke Seaworld. Ake nggak kompak di seaworld, mungkin karena udah pernah ke sini (pas dia umur 4 tahun padahal) ... buru2 aja pengen masuk ke tunnel-nya giant aquarium. but we did have enough time inside ... tak terasa perut sudah mulai keroncongan hahahaha ....
Setelah muter2, akhirnya atas bantuan co-pilot sang supir memutuskan utk LUNCH PICNIC di area pantai carnival. Pertimbangannya (1) Banyak pohon alias rindang (2) nggak RAME alias gak perlu berantem sama orang utk rebutan spot rindang . Kelemahannya : dipinggir pantai sih ... tapi gak bisa liat pantai lepas. Karena daerah ini pantainya curam, jadi ada tembok pengaman di pinggir pantai. Anyway .... kita LUNCH PICNIC di pantai carnival. Buka bekel yang terdiri dari Nasi, sambel lalap, Ayam kremes (sajen utk Ake), udah goreng tepung dan ikan Mas goreng ... nym nym nym ....
Sehabis Lunch Ake cemberut2 ... eh siapa suruh cemberut ... sang Supir di rumah sudah mengingatkan utk bawa BOLA biar bisa main2 di pasir. Bukan salah sang SUPIR dong ... dari kecil harus belajar bertanggung jawab dengan kesenangan pribadi. Walhasil , mereka minta dibelikan bubble gun ... ya sudah lah ... daripada picnic berantakan .... Setelah puas main buble war , anak2 tersebut menuju arena BOUNCING CASTLE , kok ya nemu2nya looo ... di dekat tempat kita lunch picnic. Sementara pasukan pergi ... sang SUPIR leyeh2 dulu dibawah pohon kelapa.
Waktu menunjukan pukul 1300 , wah waktunya pulang nih. Ternyata perkiraan sang SUPIR salah ... Ake menagih janji untuk nonton pentas lumba2 di Gelanggang SAMUDERA. Karena gue ingin menanamkan motto "KEEP your PROMISE and OBEY what you and other person AGREE UPON" , akhirnya gue bawa lah Pasukan ke Gelanggang Samudra. Panas ya boooo .... lagian sebagai supir gue mesti cari parkir yang penuh sesak itu , sementara pasukan gue drop di depan pintu gelanggang samudra. Waktu tengah hari, Ancol sudah disemuti para pengunjung ... harap maklum kalau parkir susah.
But its worth , Gelanggang Samudra memang lebih menghibur ... less comfortable than seaworld but more entertaining.
Than we go home ... tepat pukul 1530 ... capek tapi seneng ...
Sang SUPIR mengarahkan mobil kembali ke Bintaro. Sementara pasukan bobok dengan manis di belakang ...
hahahhahahaha ....
Posted by
6:54 PM
Labels: Day_Out
Saturday, October 31, 2009
a day off @ Arthayasa Stable
Ake and her new excitement about horse ...
ADALAH alasan utama kenapa tiba2 gue sekeluarga jadi "sok elit" meluangkan waktu visiting arthayasa stable dan menghadiri Menegpora Jumping Competition di Arthayasa Stable.
Adalah Lolita, temen kantor, yang mengilhami gue untuk browsing di internet mengenai equestrian di Jakarta. Awalnya pengen mampir ke Trijaya Equestrian, tempat temen gue ini biasa latihan. Tapi hasil berselancar di internet membawa gue ke Arthayasa Stable (ada web nya dan ketika kirim email di bales pula).
So here we were at the Arthayasa Stable ....
Posted by
5:30 PM
Labels: Day_Out
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Malaysia : rectifying my nigthmare of curry
My first visit to Malaysia was on 2007with other colleague at EID.
I should admit that it was unpleasant experience. Got very bad cough and was in fasting period. I was very much hate the food and hate the office location (cyberjaya, in the middle of nowhere).
When my boss put me on the list for what so called "seniority booster" training in Malaysia (i tend to refer to Malaysia rather than KL, knowing that we hardly can reach KLCC without effort and extra cost), i was automatically remembering the food experience (sahur and breaking fasting with curry on my soar throat, suffer !) .... grrrrrr ... the bad experience !
The rooms been reserved in Sheraton Subang. This is even worst , the clostest attraction (if you called it as attraction tho) is only the hospital located more or less 30m across the hotel. Sunway Lagoon or Pyramid (other accomodation options in the area) have malls and waterpark attached to each other. This one ??? .... definitely living in mars (to be sacarstic) :P
There are 10 of us from EID. Three from MMSI (including me) and others are senior PMs from NRO. We (the three from MMSI) pretty much went everywhere together apart from others. Indra was the one with adequate knowledge of Malaysia.
Me ?? ben there once
Erlangga ?? first visit , i believe.
Travelling together means you have to travel as a team, including to choose where to eat.
Unfortunately the boys love CURRY ..... hrrrrrrrrr ....
First Day ,
The GM of hotel welcoming us and handed us her Name Card on our arrival to the hotel. Sheraton Subang seems on promotion, many people checking in and they gave us voucher for one time lunch/dinner. After checking in , went to the room and put our luggage, off we went to the "ruko" across the street to have something to eat as dinner. We didnt want to use the voucher that day, since we didnt understand the phase of the training, we were expecting an unpredicted late finish on the training.
Well as a team we pretty much bunch of Risk awared person hahahaha ....
We went to TAJ CURRY. The boys asked me whether it was okey to eat curry (they knew i dont like curry), i said it was okey.
I had rice (i forgot the name) , looked green because it was mixed with chopped leave and some bean. Come with that rice , i choosed to have Mutton Curry. It was not as good as GULAI KAMBING in Indonesia but I eat it with appetite. Means i overcome my hate to Indian Curry :P
Second Day,
As what been predicted we finished the training on 1900hr. So lateeeeee ....
Lucky us, we still kept the dinner voucher. We had buffet dinner in the hotel ... so niceeeee ....
Third Day,
We finished the training on 1700hr. We planned to go to IKEA after reaching hotel. These three Risk awared ppl didnt consider the possibility of the BUS of getting broke down. yeaaaahhhhh .... totally ruin our plan !
Ollof the trainer called the hotel asking about the "never arrived" bus , and the hotel said "we will check and called you back". Looking that he never had a phone call from the hotel, i smell something fishy. I then remember that the GM handed us her Name Card. So I called the GM asking her "we are expecting a buss to come on 1715 but its never arrive at Ericsson Office ?" ... i was in a position of making a Big Complain to the lady GM. She answered me by saying that she was awared of the problem , she said her deep sorry and explain that the bus broke down on the way to Ericsson Office , she sent us 2 van to pick up. One van has already 30 minutes on the way and the other would follow. She also said when we arrived , she would take care of us. Now with such answer I can only say "okey we are keep waiting" .... no high tone of my voice. I should say she handle it well ! .... Well She is the GM , it should be on her qualification :)
Anyway, the van arrived , we got back to the hotel .... been welcome by the GM herself , She said her sorry , give us the cold towel, drink , gift ... and free dinner in the house ... AHAAAAAAA ... okey you were ruined our plan but you were forgiven :)
We finally complete the training by 1600 and got back to the hotel on 1700hr. The three from MMSI then off to IKEA Damansara by paying RM30 on the cab. The cab in Malaysia for me are less comfortable compare to cab in Jakarta (refer to bluebird). They never run their meters and the car relatively old. I dont think i would go on cab by myself in Malaysia. Just not feel save , purely my personal feeling pls dont refer this :P
After did some window shopping and bought severals things at IKEA, we had dinner at the IKEA restaurant. It was definitely Swedish Taste. I was refer my food choice to what been choosed by Erlangga. Well he was the one who ever lived in Swedia , a good references.
I had Meatballs with french fries (kids portion) , Daim Cake, Caramel Puding and apple juice for the dinner. Its yummy , especially the DAIM cake ... sllrppp.
It was the day of us to Fly Back to Jakarta.
We had breakfast in the hotel ... i choose Indian Food to close my trip to Malaysia.
I am not a Fan but I put Indian food as Optional Food.
Posted by
6:52 PM
Labels: a_Thought, Food_Heaven
Friday, November 28, 2008
Breaking-Out My Comfort Zone
Living in comfort zone.
Have you ever experience it ?
I had ...
Almost three times from my entire working lifetime
Pertama , ketika kerja di SFER (oil and gas)
Kedua , ketika 'ngamen' di IBM
Kok cuma dua ?
Karena untuk yang ketiga, gue berhasil melawan keinginan gue untuk stay di comfort zone.
Jumat kemaren sore hari , ketika urusan kantor sudah nggak ada di otak sama sekali, line manager gue memberikan assignment yang buat gue personally mengejutkan. Mengejutkan , pertama : karena gue merasa nggak akan bisa lepas dari lingkaran delivery customer yang saat ini gue tangani , Kedua : karena gue mesti on board pada new assignment Senin besok.
YA sodara2 ... SENIN BESOK !!!!
Reaksi pertama ketika mendengar assignment tsb dalam hati menjerit .... WHYYYY ?!?!? ....
Rada kaget karena gue merasa :
1. I was doing fine on my current delivery with current customer.
2. Relationship dengan current customer udah lumayan. Gak sopisticated tapi cukuplah utk hidup sehari2 ... I mean, i consider myself to become proportionally acceptable in the eye of my current customer.
3. Di project berikutnya dengan curent customer gue report ke seorang teman yang buat gue reliable and one of the best (means hidup gue gak bakalan sengsara2 amat).
4. Di project berikutnya bakalan ada bbrp PM terlibat, thus i wont be alone
Tapi stl dipikir2 :
1. Bukannya salah satu aim gue adalah menjadi CFR ?
2. Bukannya ini kesempatan utk membuktikan bahwa gue ready utk lead the team by my own at totally different customer ? That good relationship with customer is not the only aspect for me to perform ? Its only one of the aspect.
3. Bukannya dari dulu pengen pegang project yang lebih ke "configuration oriented" rather than roll out oriented ? Actually IT WAS one of the reason why i was experiencing blind loyalty with IBM. There the type of project are more to consulting.
So I THINK and FEEL this is the time ...
ready nggak ready ...
I am ready :)
Posted by
4:43 PM