Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Project @ K1 Bells – Kinderland Caringin

Gue nggak pernah berurusan dengan kata “project” sampai gue pertama kali mendengar dan mempelajarinya saat kualiah dulu . Kata "project" terdengar serius buat telinga gue ini. Mungkin karena sehari2 gue berkutat dengan Project Management expertise, sehingga kata project selalu berkonotasi kerjaan kantor dan my profession. Ketika Ake mendapat tugas (project) pertama nya dari sekolah, gue (dan juga pipung) jadi serius juga menanggapinya.
Tugas kali ini adalah melengkapi sebuah buku ber tema “All About Me”. Ms. Ashirni dan Ms Yessy, mendistribusikan sebuah buku besar untuk di-isi dengan informasi mengenai masing2 anak. Informasi yang harus di-isi juga sudah di-definisikan sebelumnya. All About Me big book harus sudah selesai dalam waktu 2 minggu.

Ake was very exiting when I tell her my plan on how to decorate the covers. Ake memang pali senang melakukan pekerjaan “handy Manny” (one of her favourite program in Play-house-Disney). that I can asked her to cut the paper, put the glue and do the sticking. Finally, we could finish decorating the cover at one nice Saturday morning.

We never touched that project up until last Sunday evening. I was very hectic with my office works that had to stay late. We also had so many things to do on the weekend. We went to Attend Kayla’s and Andra’s birthday on Sunday. 2 parties at one day … woooo …. Since I am not a party mom, that’s a lot tho !

Only on Sunday evening we could started to ask Ake some question to be able filling in the information required and slowly complete the book from Monday till Thursday.

Thank GOD by the time required, Ake can finish her first project sucessfully :)


Sili Frebrian said...

duh...mama jadi inget rupa dasar tuh ke...