Wednesday, August 01, 2007

HARTON FAMILY visiting Jakarta

Another backdated story.
This is to capture the visit of HARTON family from Dublin to Jakarta :)

Mbak Anty is my cousin. She is married to Andrew Harton and live at Dublin-Ireland. They have 2 beautiful daugthers, Cliona and Rowan, from their marriage. Last June , they had a visit to Semarang (to mbak Anty's parent) and of course they didnt miss the chance to visit Jakarta. Well, who can deny ... Jakarta is FUN for Kids. So many attractions in this big crowded city.

They travelled from semarang by train. 4 hours after their arrival in Jakarta , I took them to OCEAN PARK at Bumi Serpong Damai. Cliona got her first swim suit (actually its Ake's and ake got it from aunty WILSA) and she seems very happy to play with water. well ... Dublin is too cold to do such activity rite ?

On that day, Tami and Dian came along also to meet_greet_and_play with the Harton Family. Oniek had to take a leave to accompanie Harton family. Well all were more then worth.

Fortunately, i was between Job on that time. It was in my break period from NSN to E///.

Below was the schedule of HARTON FAMILY visit to Jakarta.

First day, Ocean Park.

Above is the slide from our visit to Ocean Park. I will slowly upload other slides of the second - fourth day.

hang in there ....

Second day, Taman Safari Indonesia.

Thanks to Hans and Yosi to give us free tickets !!!!! It was a great day for the whole gank

Third day, Sea World and Gelanggang Samudera Ancol.

Fourth day, Family Reunion Party @ Bintaro.

will be updated soon


Vina Revi said...

oops,ternyata m'Anty nyambung juga ama Semarang,ya? jangan-jangan aku kenal? ... ;)

Vina Revi said...

Ta, kenalin ke m'Anty, dunks! *halah*

Ira Lathief said...

Wuah keliatannya seru buanged reuni dan liburannya....aku udh lamaaaaa bgt tuh gak ngerasain wisata sekeluarga gitu :(

Unknown said...

maw jalan jalan.... *ngiri mode=on*

Sili Frebrian said...

seruuuuuu...fotonya cakep2 ren. anak2 gw malah blm ke ancol, palagi safari. kasihan yah? kalo gw balik ada tiket gratis gak??? hihi..nanti kita jalan2 ya ren...ake pasti seneng ketemu mbak2nya. btw, gw plg suka denger org irish ngomong. kayaknya aristokrat bgt gt lo.